Policy Brief for a Transformation at the lake Dümmer
Over the last year, three working groups met at the Dümmer-lake to create a more sustainable region. One of the working group wrote the policy brief ‘transformation at the Dümmer-lake’. This policy brief will now be handed over to the new lower saxony state government.
In the third working group meeting of the group ‘transformation concept’, the policy brief was finalized in early October 2022. Newly elected members of the lower saxony parlament from the region around the Dümmer will be invited for the 26th of October 2022 to receive the policy brief.
The policy brief includes the social-ecological problems of the Dümmer region as well as the requirements of the four areas of interest: water management, agriculture, nature conservation and tourism. Stakeholders from all areas worked together to create this polilcy brief for a sustainable region. The goal is to reach out to the state government for support, to acchive the future vision Dümmer 2050, designed by the Stakeholders of the first workshop in November 2019.

All four workshops in the Dümmer region, from November 2019 until November 2021, formed the basis of the working groups for the year 2022. With the year, almost over, the working group with the policy brief achieved something big by presenting it to the newly elected members of state parlament. Hopefully it’s time for a sustainable change.