
Peer-reviewed scientific articles

(For digital output such as models and tools please check this page)


Salis RK, Brennan GL and Hansson L-A (2023). “Successful invasions to freshwater systems double with climate warming” Limnology and Oceanography. in print.

Tanguay L, Herzog LM, Audet R, Beisner BE, Martin R and Pahl-Wostl C (2023). “Opportunities for, and barriers to anticipatory governance of two lake social-ecological systems in Germany and Canada” People and Nature. in print.
[DOI] [URL] [pdf]


Datseris G, Vahdati AR and DuBois TC (2022). “Agents.jl: a performant and feature-full agent-based modeling software of minimal code complexity” SIMULATION 0(0), 00375497211068820.

Devkota N, Salis RK and Hansson L-A (2022). “Warming reshapes the invertebrate predation pressure on the plankton community” Freshwater Biology n/a(n/a)

Herzog L, Tanguay L, Beisner B, Pahl-Wostl C, Audet R and Schlüter M (2022). “Studying human-nature relations in aquatic social-ecological systems using the social-ecological action situations framework: how to move from empirical data to conceptual models” Ecology and Society August, 2022. 27(3)

Kraemer BM, Kakouei K, Munteanu C, Thayne MW and Adrian R (2022). “Worldwide moderate-resolution mapping of lake surface chl-a reveals variable responses to global change (1997–2020)” PLOS Water October, 2022. 1(10), e0000051.


Hrycik AR, Isles PDF, Adrian R, Albright M, Bacon LC, Berger SA, Bhattacharya R, Grossart H, Hejzlar J, Hetherington AL, Knoll LB, Laas A, McDonald CP, Merrell K, Nejstgaard JC, Nelson K, Nõges P, Paterson AM, Pilla RM, Robertson DM, Rudstam LG, Rusak JA, Sadro S, Silow EA, Stockwell JD, Yao H, Yokota K and Pierson DC (2021). “Earlier winter/spring runoff and snowmelt during warmer winters lead to lower summer chlorophyll‐ a in north temperate lakes” Global Change Biology October, 2021. 27(19), 4615-4629.

Jane SF, Hansen GJA, Kraemer BM, Leavitt PR, Mincer JL, North RL, Pilla RM, Stetler JT, Williamson CE, Woolway RI, Arvola L, Chandra S, DeGasperi CL, Diemer L, Dunalska J, Erina O, Flaim G, Grossart H-P, Hambright KD, Hein C, Hejzlar J, Janus LL, Jenny J-P, Jones JR, Knoll LB, Leoni B, Mackay E, Matsuzaki S-IS, McBride C, Müller-Navarra DC, Paterson AM, Pierson D, Rogora M, Rusak JA, Sadro S, Saulnier-Talbot E, Schmid M, Sommaruga R, Thiery W, Verburg P, Weathers KC, Weyhenmeyer GA, Yokota K and Rose KC (2021). “Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes” Nature June, 2021. 594(7861), 66-70.

Kakouei K, Kraemer BM, Anneville O, Carvalho L, Feuchtmayr H, Graham JL, Higgins S, Pomati F, Rudstam LG, Stockwell JD, Thackeray SJ, Vanni MJ and Adrian R (2021). “Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria abundances in mid-21st century lakes depend strongly on future land use and climate projections” Global Change Biology.

Kraemer BM, Pilla RM, Woolway RI, Anneville O, Ban S, Colom-Montero W, Devlin SP, Dokulil MT, Gaiser EE, Hambright KD, Hessen DO, Higgins SN, Jöhnk KD, Keller W, Knoll LB, Leavitt PR, Lepori F, Luger MS, Maberly SC, Müller-Navarra DC, Paterson AM, Pierson DC, Richardson DC, Rogora M, Rusak JA, Sadro S, Salmaso N, Schmid M, Silow EA, Sommaruga R, Stelzer JAA, Straile D, Thiery W, Timofeyev MA, Verburg P, Weyhenmeyer GA and Adrian R (2021). “Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat” Nature Climate Change June, 2021. 11(6), 521-529.

Kraemer B, Kakouei K, Munteanu C, Thayne M and Adrian R (2021). “Worldwide moderate-resolution mapping of lake surface chl-a reveals variable responses to global change (1997-2020)”. Thesis at: Fresh Water Studies. September, 2021.

Pilla RM, Mette EM, Williamson CE, Adamovich BV, Adrian R, Anneville O, Balseiro E, Ban S, Chandra S, Colom-Montero W, Devlin SP, Dix MA, Dokulil MT, Feldsine NA, Feuchtmayr H, Fogarty NK, Gaiser EE, Girdner SF, González MJ, Hambright KD, Hamilton DP, Havens K, Hessen DO, Hetzenauer H, Higgins SN, Huttula TH, Huuskonen H, Isles PDF, Joehnk KD, Keller WB, Klug J, Knoll LB, Korhonen J, Korovchinsky NM, Köster O, Kraemer BM, Leavitt PR, Leoni B, Lepori F, Lepskaya EV, Lottig NR, Luger MS, Maberly SC, MacIntyre S, McBride C, McIntyre P, Melles SJ, Modenutti B, Müller-Navarra DC, Pacholski L, Paterson AM, Pierson DC, Pislegina HV, Plisnier P-D, Richardson DC, Rimmer A, Rogora M, Rogozin DY, Rusak JA, Rusanovskaya OO, Sadro S, Salmaso N, Saros JE, Sarvala J, Saulnier-Talbot É, Schindler DE, Shimaraeva SV, Silow EA, Sitoki LM, Sommaruga R, Straile D, Strock KE, Swain H, Tallant JM, Thiery W, Timofeyev MA, Tolomeev AP, Tominaga K, Vanni MJ, Verburg P, Vinebrooke RD, Wanzenböck J, Weathers K, Weyhenmeyer GA, Zadereev ES and Zhukova TV (2021). “Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes” Scientific Data December, 2021. 8(1), 200.

Thayne MW, Kraemer BM, Mesman JP, Ibelings BW and Adrian R (2021). “Antecedent lake conditions shape resistance and resilience of a shallow lake ecosystem following extreme wind storms” Limnology and Oceanography June, 2021. , lno.11859.

Tran PQ, Bachand SC, McIntyre PB, Kraemer BM, Vadeboncoeur Y, Kimirei IA, Tamatamah R, McMahon KD and Anantharaman K (2021). “Depth-discrete metagenomics reveals the roles of microbes in biogeochemical cycling in the tropical freshwater Lake Tanganyika” The ISME Journal July, 2021. 15(7), 1971-1986.


Dunn RJH, …, Kraemer BM, et al. (2020). “Global Climate” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society August, 2020. 101(8), S9-S128.
[DOI] [URL][PDF] Open access

Hansson L-A, Ekvall MK, He L, Li Z, Svensson M, Urrutia‐Cordero P and Zhang H (2020). “Different climate scenarios alter dominance patterns among aquatic primary producers in temperate systems” Limnology and Oceanography 65(10), 2328-2336.

Kraemer BM (2020). “Rethinking discretization to advance limnology amid the ongoing information explosion” Water Research July, 2020. 178, 115801.

Kraemer BM, Seimon A, Adrian R and McIntyre PB (2020). “Worldwide lake level trends and responses to background climate variation” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences May, 2020. 24(5), 2593-2608.
[DOI] [URL][PDF] Open access

Munteanu C, Kamp J, Nita MD, Klein N, Kraemer BM, Müller D, Koshkina A, Prishchepov AV and Kuemmerle T (2020). “Cold War spy satellite images reveal long-term declines of a philopatric keystone species in response to cropland expansion” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences May, 2020. 287(1927), 20192897.

Martin R, Radosavljevic S and Schlüter M (2020). “Short-term decisions in lake restoration have long-term consequences for water quality” Regional Environmental Change August, 2020. 20(3), 101.

Martin R, Schlüter M and Blenckner T (2020). The importance of transient social dynamics for restoring ecosystems beyond ecological tipping points Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, January, 2020.
[DOI] [URL][PDF] Open access

Pilla RM, Williamson CE, Adamovich BV, Adrian R, …, Kraemer BM, … (2020). “Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes” Scientific Reports November, 2020. 10(1), 20514.
[DOI] [URL] Open access

Woolway RI, Kraemer BM, Lenters JD, Merchant CJ, O’Reilly CM and Sharma S (2020). “Global lake responses to climate change” Nature Reviews Earth & Environment August, 2020. 1(8), 388-403.


Hamilton AT, Schäfer RB, Pyne MI, Chessman B, Kakouei K, Boersma KS, Verdonschot PFM, Verdonschot RCM, Mims M, Khamis K, Bierwagen B and Stamp J (2019). “Limitations of trait-based approaches for stressor assessment: The case of freshwater invertebrates and climate drivers” Global Change Biology 26(2), 364-379.

Kritzberg, Emma S., Eliza Maher Hasselquist, Martin Škerlep, Stefan Löfgren, Olle Olsson, Johanna Stadmark, Salar Valinia, Lars-Anders Hansson, and Hjalmar Laudon (2019) “Browning of Freshwaters: Consequences to Ecosystem Services, Underlying Drivers, and Potential Mitigation Measures.” Ambio, 1-16.

Supporting publications by team members in other projects


Schlüter M, Haider L, Lade S, Lindkvist E, Martin R, Orach K, Wijermans N and Folke C (2019). “Capturing emergent phenomena in social-ecological systems: an analytical framework” Ecology and Society, 24(3).

Schlüter M, Orach K, Lindkvist E, Martin R, Wijermans N, Bodin Ö and Boonstra WJ (2019). “Toward a methodology for explaining and theorizing about social-ecological phenomena” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39, 44-53.

Herzog, L. M., & Ingold, K. (2019). Threats to Common-Pool Resources and the Importance of Forums: On the Emergence of Cooperation in CPR Problem Settings. Policy Studies Journal, 47(1), 77–113.


Iacarella, J. C., Barrow, J. L., Giani, A., Beisner, B. E., & Gregory‐Eaves, I. (2018). Shifts in algal dominance in freshwater experimental ponds across differing levels of macrophytes and nutrients. Ecosphere, 9(1), e02086.

Paquette, C., & Beisner, B. E. (2018). Interaction effects of zooplankton and CO2 on phytoplankton communities and the deep chlorophyll maximum. Freshwater Biology, 63(3), 278–292.


Kraemer, B. M., Mehner, T., & Adrian, R. (2017). Reconciling the opposing effects of warming on phytoplankton biomass in 188 large lakes. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 10762.


Martin R and Schlüter M (2015). Combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling to analyze social-ecological interactions – an example from modeling restoration of a shallow lake. Frontiers in Environmental Science 3(66).


Ekvall, M. K., Urrutia-Cordero, P., & Hansson, L.-A. (2014). Linking cascading effects of fish predation and zooplankton grazing to reduced cyanobacterial biomass and toxin levels following biomanipulation. PloS One, 9(11), e112956.


Ekvall, M. K., Martin, J. de la C., Faassen, E. J., Gustafsson, S., Lürling, M., & Hansson, L.-A. (2013). Synergistic and species-specific effects of climate change and water colour on cyanobacterial toxicity and bloom formation. Freshwater Biology, 58(11), 2414–2422.

Scharfenberger, U., Mahdy, A., & Adrian, R. (2013). Threshold-driven shifts in two copepod species: Testing ecological theory with observational data. Limnology and Oceanography, 58(2), 741–752.


Pahl-Wostl, C., Lebel, L., Knieper, C., & Nikitina, E. (2012). From applying panaceas to mastering complexity: Toward adaptive water governance in river basins. Environmental Science & Policy, 23, 24–34.


Pahl-Wostl, C., Craps, M., Dewulf, A., Mostert, E., Tabara, D., & Taillieu, T. (2007). Social Learning and Water Resources Management. Ecology and Society, 12(2).