SIWI World Water Week, Stockholm, August 2019

SIWI World Water Week, Stockholm, August 2019

On August 25 I had the opportunity to attend World Water Week (WWW) 2019 in Stockholm. The theme of the conference was “water for society: including all”. Throughout the day it was discussed how to reach this goal both through on-going projects, former success stories and panel debates. Key concepts such as resilience and adaptation were reoccurring throughout the day.

WWW is mainly focused on projects established by private institutions and NGO’s such as The World Bank and UNICEF. Yet, the conference is a great place to mingle with researchers and practitioners from all over the world. As an example, I coincidently met Marie-Christine Alarie who works at Aple with Giancarlo and Beatrice at Lac Saint Charles.

All in all, an interesting conference for those who want to gain insights into current discussions and perspectives on global water issues beyond academia.